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April 12, 2003

Eat dirt, really

You know how workplace sitcoms always have that one person who makes it his/her personal mission to deceive/derail/profoundly irritate/otherwise ruin the day of anyone who is unfortunate enough to be in his/her airspace? Well, in case you've never had the pleasure, those people are real. The one who sits next to Girl-E in the staff room plays the part better than any Harvard Lampoon writer could conceive. And being as cliched as she aughta be, she evokes wrath from colleagues while simultaneously kissing ass so professionally that the management thinks she's a real up-and-comer. Classic stuff.

As has been previously alluded, Girl-E is about to enter week three of being barred from the classroom, as government inspectors are in town and she is visa-less. It is categorically not her fault that she has time on her hands, but after a full day of helping other people with their work, she made the mistake of reading a novel at her desk for 20 minutes. Well, Miss Thing called her out, suggesting that such a display of leisure in view of so many overworked and underpaid people is punishable by death. She actually said "death or poison". Eeny-meeny-miny-mo. I mean, if you want to be a resentful bitch, at least have the maturity to limit your resentful bitchiness to behind-the-back gossip. Girl-E already knows you're thinking it, you don't have to ruin her Friday afternoon by harking on her outloud like some sex-starved 13 year-old.

Here's the interesting thing: Near the staff room, there is a smoking room where people constantly retreat for conversation and a drag or five. There are some people who go there just about every 20 minutes, spending approximately 45-65% of every day yacking and puffing without producing a single piece of work. If Girl-E were to spend these weeks in that room, no one would disapprove of her idleness or even blink. But she has the misfortune of being literally the only non-smoking staff member, and therefore has assumed the gaul of doing highly offensive things like reading Trollope in plain view. For her evil-doing next week, she's considering origami swans. Or, retreating to the smoking room with a joint. The jury's still out.

Posted by The Twins at April 12, 2003 04:26 AM

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